Do donors feel more charitable at Christmas?

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Do donors feel more charitable at Christmas?

The Fundraiser is feeling all warm inside having surveyed the streets for seasonal cheer. We asked whether Londoners felt more charitable at Christmas and there wasn’t a scrooge in sight


Jenny Arnold, 31, food vendor

If I had spare money I’d would be more generous but I don’t give to charity at the moment – I prefer to give straight to people I meet. People are more charitable in general at Christmas. They mover closer together and are more likely to look out for each other. I’m more attentive to homeless people in the street at that time of year and feel more compassionate.


Kathy Rotinwa, 17, student

At the moment I’m studying so I don’t have enough money to give any away. I would consider volunteering in the future but I have a daughter of my own to look after now so I don’t have the spare time. Charities that help children in Africa appeal to me so it would probably be that kind of charity I’d donate to.


Phil Robinson, 46, young persons support worker

I work for charity supporting young people and I tend to donate to good causes all through the year, but I probably would be inclined to give more at Christmas. In one sense it depends on how much money I have for myself and what I can afford, but if I see somebody collecting I’m likely to put a couple of pound in.


Neele Hoeper, 17, model

I’m more charitable at Christmas. At that time of year it’s right to think of poorer people. I would always be happy to spend some extra money so that people that are less well off than me can get presents for their children.


Inca Hoeper, 17, model

I agree with Neele, it is important to be thinking of others at Christmas. Giving money to those less fortunate to you is important and both love animals too, so we would choose to support charities that help children and also animal welfare causes.


Want to do more with donors at Christmas? Here are five ways to engage your supporters over the festive period. 

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