About Us

About us

Charity Choice provides the information that makes it easy to make a better charity decision. 

As the UK’s largest charity directory, we list over 160,000 charities on our mission to help people find charities and information about charities.

Charity Choice’s flexible search options mean you can find charities by browsing the charity sector using key words. When you find the perfect charity, you can obtain contact details, information on how charities spend their income, online donating services and other useful information.

Are you a charity?

If you'd like to upgrade your profile on Charity Choice we have various options to suit your charity, whatever the size - you can find more information here https://www.charitychoice.co.uk/register-your-charity or contact our customer services team at enquires@charitychoice.co.uk.

A brief history

Charity Choice  has been actively helping charities and their supporters online for over 15 year. We promote all types of giving and support to charity from donations, corporate social responsibility to gifts in wills. 

Charity Choice is part of MiExact Ltd, a company which publishes respected and trusted information on and for charities. Learn more here.


Our knowledge of the charity sector across our brands means that Charity Choice has the benefit of being able to draw from over 100 years of experience.