Bowel Research UK

Let's end bowel cancer and bowel disease

Registered Charity Number: 1186061

A gift in your will

Change lives by making a gift to Bowel Research UK in your will

Leaving a gift in your will to Bowel Research UK will help us in our mission to end bowel cancer and bowel disease.

A gift no matter what size will help us to fund research that develops clinical practice and improves the quality of life for people with bowel cancer and bowel disease.

When you write your will, your first concern will be to make provision for your close family and friends. But we hope that you will also include a gift to Bowel Research UK too. You might want to leave a gift because you have been personally touched by bowel cancer or bowel disease.

Whatever your reasons, a gift in your will today will change lives in the future.

A gift of any size will make a difference and larger gifts can have a huge impact on our work. We believe that research into bowel cancer and other bowel diseases is chronically underfunded compared with other conditions. We also believe in investing in the next generation of scientists and funding new ideas to find ways forward.

Your gift will be used to help fund life-saving research projects and will help save and improve lives.

Bowel Research UK has a free Will Writing Service

Write your free Will with us today and let’s help end bowel cancer and disease.

Writing or updating your Will doesn’t need to be difficult, expensive or take up a lot of your time. If you’re not sure where to start, we’re here for you. We’ve joined up Octopus Legacy, to help you write your Will free of charge from the comfort of your own home.

You can make your Will online, over the phone or face to face in as little as 15 minutes. Your legacy is more important today than ever before. Ensure your wishes are followed and your loved ones are looked after with our free Will writing service.

As a charity, we rely almost entirely on donations. The research we fund is only possible because amazing people like you choose to leave us a gift in their Will. Visit for more information and to start writing your free Will today.

Contact Us

Emma Murphy (Head of Income Generation)
c/o The Royal College of Surgeons
35-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields
London (Greater London)

Phone: 020 3540 8694


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