Task Brasil-the Abandoned Street Kids of Brazil Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1030929
Southampton, London

Task Brasil Trust was established in the UK in 1992 in response to the situation of the street children of Brazil. Its projects improve the lives and support the needs of children and pregnant girls living on the streets.

Since its establishment as a charity in the UK in 1993, Task Brasil Trust has come a long way in helping the street children of Rio de Janeiro. In the early days, Ligia Da Silva (Founding Trustee) and her supporters began by trying to make contact with children on the streets, assisting poor families who were not able to provide for their children and helping young people, against all the odds, to receive a reasonable education.

Task Brasil was given an enormous boost in 1997 with a very generous donation by Jimmy Page, the Led Zeppelin rock icon, who witnessed first hand the deprivation of the children and troubles in the favelas whilst playing in Rio de Janeiro. The money donated was used to buy a plot of land in Santa Teresa with a house, Casa Jimmy.

Task Brasil Inc (www.taskbrasil.org) opened its office in the US in the summer of 2002. It is committed to using all of its resources to improve the independence and self-esteem of those supported by Task Brasil.

What We Do

There are many terrifying realities that force countless children onto the streets: domestic violence, being orphaned or abandoned, or simply belonging to dysfunctional families.

For most, there is no way back.

Over 500 children, teenage mothers and their babies and their families have benefited from the facilities and services were funded partly by the Prefeitura of Rio de Janeiro and largely by private donations.

Donations funded the purchase of land neighbouring Casa Jimmy providing housing for volunteers and land for the project.

Task Brasil Trust depends on the help of the good hearted who are willing to invest their time and/or money in the future of these young victims of Brazilian society. 

Contact Us

Task Brasil-the Abandoned Street Kids of Brazil Trust 185 The Hawkins Tower
Admirals Quay
Ocean Way
SO14 3LH

Phone: 02077355545

Email: info@taskbrasil.org.uk

Charity Choice Directory Listings

Financial Information

December 2023
December 2022
Total Income
Total Expenditure