LICC exists to envision and equip Christians and their churches for whole-life missionary discipleship in the world. We seek to serve them with biblical frameworks, practical resources, training and models so that they flourish as followers of Jesus and grow as whole-life disciplemaking communities.
John Stott
John Stott founded LICC in 1982 with the core belief that every part of our lives comes under the Lordship of Christ, and that all of life is a context for worship, mission, ministry and active Christian engagement.
How can we reach the UK? It's a key question facing the church today. We believe that the answer lies in a radical, but simple, re-focusing of our understanding of mission. The UK will be transformed when the church envisions and equips 'ordinary' men and women to make a difference wherever they are.
Contact Us
The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity
St Peter's
Vere Street