THE PATHWAY TO SUCCESS - Children and young people learn best and achieve the most when they are happy. Looking after their emotional wellbeing is therefore vital.
We supply powerful, engaging, ready-to-use programmes full of discussion points, stories, songs and activities for primary and secondary school pupils, helping them to develop strong, inspiring values that motivate them and become key reference points, guiding their thinking, decision-making and ultimately actions and behaviour. Participants gain attractive social skills and competencies that enrich all aspects of their lives, particularly their relationships, be they at home, at school or within their wider communities.
Through exploring and practising an extensive range of values, the children and young people raise their aspirations and improve their performance. They thoroughly enjoy the uplifting progress and results, including positive attitudes and mindsets and good communication skills. They and all those who love and care for them are delighted by what is achieved and the life chances that are opened up.
By supporting the Human Values Foundation you are making a great contribution to the quality of young citizens’ lives, their wellbeing and prospects – a winning formula for all of us!
• The Human Values Foundation charity
The Human Values Foundation charity is an independent, non-denominational body which does not represent or work on behalf of any particular religious or spiritual interest.
Contact Us
Human Values Foundation
The Coach House
Salisbury Road
West Sussex
RH13 0AJ