Every day, 5 UK police officers have to break the news to 5 UK families, that their loved one has been killed in a road crash. A further 70 families every day learn that their loved one has been seriously injured, with many suffering brain damage, paralysis or limb loss.
Brake is a national charity dedicated to preventing these road deaths and injuries from happening and also provides support for people bereaved or injured further to road crashes. Our work includes educating different road users – from children and their parents, to young people learning to drive, to professional drivers – through resources, training and events.
We co-ordinate national Road Safety Week each November (www.roadsafetyweek.org) and provide free community training on different road safety topics including young driver safety.
Our support division is the national provider of support for road crash victims – helping families whose lives have been devastated by a sudden death or serious injury. It offers emotional support and practical information through a helpline and through support literature that is handed out by police following every fatal road crash in the UK.
For more information visit our website www.brake.org.uk or telephone Lisa Kendall on 01484 683294 or email lkendall@brake.org.uk
Contact Us
PO Box 548
West Yorkshire
Phone: 01484 559909