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Good relationships are fundamental to our mental health and wellbeing

Good relationships are fundamental to our mental health and wellbeing

How important is creating and maintaining relationships to your mental health? The Mental Health Foundation and YouGov have found that 46% of adults in the UK regret not investing more time in relationships that mattered to them.

This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week (16-22 May) is aimed at encouraging  people to take the time to consider the people that matter to them, how to improve communication and make a relationships resolution.

In a survey of over 2,000 adults, it emerged that people identified maintaining healthy relationships as ‘most important’ to their well-being (38%) followed by choosing to eat healthier (16%), exercise (10%), and avoiding negative habits such as smoking, (8%). However, looking at New Year resolutions and life goals, we’re three times more likely to improve our physical health and diet rather than a relationship with friends.

Jenny Edwards CBE, Chief Executive of the Mental Health Foundation said:

“Relationships require reflection, time, courage and grace.  Modern life often reduces the space to do this. Too many of us cut back on our time with people we care about under stress - be it exams, work commitments or financial pressures. Our report reinforces the message that we should never underestimate or fail to invest in our collective capacity to connect with others.”   

We're encouraging people to connect with friends and family who will contribute to better mental health and learn from people like Dalano, a sufferer of depression: 

Connecting with others has taught me that there are other ways to see myself and my life and by nurturing the right relationships, my perception of myself and my life can be transformed.”

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The Mental Health Foundation is the UK’s charity for everyone’s mental health. Founded 65 years ago it focuses on getting evidence-based answers out to the public and decision makers.