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Nepal Earthquake Appeals

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The Nepal Earthquake which struck on Saturday  25th April and had a Richter scale of 7.8 has already claimed over 5,000 lives and this number is rising. The country’s infrastructure has been seriously affected with many roads and buildings damaged and even those who still have their homes sleeping outside due to the fear of aftershocks. Vast numbers of people have been made homeless and many charities are working hard to provide shelter, food and care to all those affected.

To donate or contact charities appealing for funds for those affected by the earthquake directly see the list below. This list is not comprehensive so if you know of other appeals please comment below.


Concern Worldwide

Christian Aid

Islamic Relief UK

CARE International UK

DEC - Disasters Emergency Committee


You are able to donate to the following charities directly through Charity Choice:


Dolma Development Fund

The Britain Nepal Medical Trust 

CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development)

The Esther Benjamins Trust - remembering Nepal's forgotten children

International Nepal Fellowship


To look for information on charities working in Nepal please use our find a charity search – click here