Horse Rescue Fund

Registered Charity Number: 275428
Beccles, Suffolk

52.495191029407, 1.5825012014927

As well as rescuing horses and donkeys in desperate need, the fund campaigns for improvements at horse sales, in transit, and for equine welfare generally. When fit, our animals are placed on adoption to lead happy, useful lives - never sold. Some have won at prestigious shows and appeared on television. Horses do so much for humans - we try to repay some of that debt. Horses cannot speak, but we can. Funds are urgently needed - legacies, covenants, individual donations or corporate funding, all most welcome. Newsletter sent on request. Visitors welcome by appointment. Please help us to help them.

Contact Us

Horse Rescue Fund Woodstock Farm
Post Office Road
Toft Monks
NR34 0EH

Financial Information

March 2024
March 2023
Total Income
Total Expenditure