6 steps to a successful mid-value donor programme

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6 steps to a successful mid-value donor programme

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Properly planned, a mid-value donor programme can deliver outstanding results – fast. Michelle Chambers from THINK explains how to do it


Mid-value donor (MV) programmes – everybody knows they should have one, but few examples exist in the UK, or indeed globally, of charities successfully implementing a well-thought-out approach to this key donor segment.


Where MV programmes have been put in place, the results can be astounding. One charity that we worked with saw the gifts from one donor grow from a yearly average of £450 to over £30k!


This type of programme will only succeed if it is properly planned and resourced. Here is our THINKing on some of the key aspects you need to consider:


Be clear on objectives, definitions and protocols


It is vital that you develop a clear set of definitions for the programme, for example:


  • Will the programme target warm or cold audiences?
  • Will it be used for recruitment, retention or development of donors – or all three?
  • What level of gifts will donors in the programme being making?
  • Will you make restricted asks?
  • How will you determine when a donor is considered for inclusion in the programme or for moving to a high-value or major donor programme?


Clarity about these types of issues at the outset will ensure your MV programme is developed within a focused framework. It will also help to secure support from other teams who may previously have worked with donors now included in the MV pool.


Understand your audience


This is critical in developing MV programmes. We’ve seen charities fail in this area because they make incorrect assumptions about what those donors with whom they want to form a closer relationship want to hear about, and how they want to be recognised and communicated with.


Common areas where charities get it wrong are around the type of proposition to make, the level of personal contact a MV donor will want, and whether the MV programme need to be set up as a  ‘giving club’ with a distinct name and identity.


These sorts of issues are very organisation specific, and so the only way to find out is to ask your donors through a range of survey techniques.


Develop a compelling proposition


Of course all fundraising relies on a strong and emotive story that engages a donor in the impact of your charity’s work. The key to finding the right MV proposition is accepting that the programme will still be talking to a large audience, rather than on a one-to-one basis with donors, and so the story must be recognisable.  


Programmes have failed when they have tried to talk about areas of their work which are new to the donor and which do not constitute a seamless part of the ongoing story presented.   


Tone of voice is also critical in communications with MV donors; copy must be bespoke for the programme. Simply adapting a mass DM appeal, for example, by including a ‘shopping list’ of higher value items will be doomed to fail!


Use your database


MV programmes are data hungry! They require initial and ongoing data analysis and profiling to identify prospects from among the charity’s database, and to develop profiles for approaching cold audiences (if that is part of the objective of the MV programme).  


Mid-value fundraisers will need intense support from their in-house data teams, or the budget to outsource this support.


Balance your communications


Here, you need to think about the volume of asks versus information-giving communications, whether you can offer exclusive information to these donors (such as a preview of a TV advert or an announcement regarding services) and importantly the mix of channels you are going to use.  


Again, it is vital to guard against assumptions here and ensure that questions around communication preferences are included in your audience research.


Set clear and measurable targets


It can be difficult to make the case for the investment needed in the staff and other resources required, and so it is critical that you set clear income targets and associated KPIs for a MV programme, particularly during its initial phase. These should be communicated at regular intervals. This will enable senior managers to understand the value and impact of what is being delivered.


So, some food for thought on some of the vital ingredients for a successful MV programme.  When properly implemented, it can deliver ‘quick win’ income with strong ROI compared to other income streams – but focused pre-planning and thinking is key, and an upfront investment in doing this well will help ensure the income rolls.


Michelle Chambers is managing director, UK at THINK Consulting Solutions

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