Child of Hope

Providing hope and a future for the children of Africa

Registered Charity Number: 1136068
Broadstone, Dorset


Date Posted: 24 Aug 2015

We’re very proud of Patrick, who we think is a real success story. When he arrived, he suffered with physical and learning difficulties, constantly dribbling at the mouth and nose running, unable even to hold a crayon, let alone colour a drawing for his sponsor. 

He was one of the first in the school, who would have been unlikely to survive because of his problems. Now, six years later, he is doing well at his lessons, wrote a very neat letter to his sponsor, and is 24th in his class - when before he was firmly at the bottom. 

Although he still has physical problems, Patrick is now in full control of himself. He is much-loved at the school and we are so happy to have helped him. Without Child of Hope school, he had no chance of getting any education and if he had somehow managed to survive, would probably have ended up living and begging on the streets. 

Our ‘recruitment’ policy isn’t based on how bright children are, but simply this… to take the poorest and most vulnerable children, as agreed between our welfare workers and local community leaders. The school may not end up with the highest education results, but young people like Patrick get a huge lift up in life… and we love that.