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Posted in Health Lifestyle Events

Mental Health Awareness Day

Mental Health Awareness Day

There are many stigmas surrounding mental health and most people will experience a personal or emotional crisis in their life. So it’s time for everyone to play their part. 

An article in the Guardian reported ¼ million of children and young people are now receiving mental health care in England with a high number of children aged five and under.

Women are also another target group for the illness with data from NHS Digital reporting 1 in 5 women have reported a common mental disorder such as anxiety and depression in 2014. 

Mental Health Awareness Day on Monday 10th October will try and break down some of the boundaries and challenges people face with this year’s theme dedicated to physiological first aid and supporting people in distress.

"The issue is around the stigma that surrounds it.  Silence gets in the way and we become afraid to help because we are not sure what to do."

"We want to help by breaking the silence and speaking about it to help others." Tony Swanborough, area manager at Milestones Trust

The Milestone Trust have highlighted how everybody is equipped to help, so let’s start opening up conversations with these suggestions:

  1. Not being judgemental and listening.
  2. Helping people to understand they're not alone.
  3. Battling the stigma through breaking the silence.
  4. Telling people it's ok to seek help - there are currently 1 in 4 people getting treated across the UK.

If you wish to seek counselling, support, treatment, help or further information about understanding mental disorders and raising awareness you can find a full list of registered mental health charities in our directory

